
The best doggy daycare in Espoo for your dog


ur daycare in Espoo is located in Latokaski, a quiet residential area on the edge of forests and fields. We are about 18 km from Helsinki city center.

The daycare is  located in our single family house and it is with a fenced yard and a lot of green vegetation. Dogs have got a lots of room to roam around.

Our dog daycare is high quality, cage free cozy and homelike. Dogs are staying unleashed in an open pack settings, free to play with each other, sleeping and relaxing together, go out for a walk in the fields and woods, and running in and out of the house to garden at will!

Dog daycare offers activities, playtime, social contacts and lots of fresh air in safe surroundings. 
Check out our pics!

We accept only 10 dogs  per day.

Check FAQ below!

Green, lush, cosy - a paradise for dogs, in winter and in summer

Espoo Daycare FAQ

All new dogs are wellcome to visit and meet with us. Book ahead! We can then agree upon an assesment/trialday, which is max 4 hrs long, free of charge.  After a successfull assesment day your dog is wellcome to our daycare.

Dogs of all breeds and sizes and ages are welcome. Your dog must be socialized and get along with all sorts of dogs without getting anxious. If your dog has never been in the company of other dogs or visited the dog park, it does not prevent from attending daycare. Dogs must be house broken, have basic obedience training and know dog language “etiquette”. If  your dog shows signs of anxiety and trembles, is aggressive towards other dogs or people, you must come and pick him up ASAP in the middle of the day. Unfortunately, not all dogs are fit for an open pack setting and therefore do not fit into daycare.

Your dog should be at least 5 months old, but we do make exceptions. Bear in mind that we are indoors, we have carpets, soft furniture so your dog must be house broken. Similarly, dogs must be somewhat socialized in order to cope with the others, in a open pack, without getting anxious. Your dog must also manage to be alone without his humans, and not get panicked. A dog is never too old to come to daycare!

Your dog must be well exercised in the morning before coming to us,  and have done his bathroom routine. We do not take your dog out for you in the morning. Your dog must be healthy, vaccinations DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvo, and parainfluenza) and rabies must be up to date, also deworming up to date. If the dog has a stomach flu, diarrhea, cough or is clearly apathetic, he can not come to us. If your dog is a female and is not spayed, and is coming into heat so that all boys are sniffing eagerly, she can not attend daycare. If we notice during the day that your dog is ill, we ask you immediately pick him up and meanwhile will isolate him from others.

For male dogs, we look at each case separately. We have neutered and unneutered dogs, both are welcome as long as: He does not spray (if does, gets a diaper), does not hump or dominte the others and does not brawl and cause problems. Severe male agression causes the dog’s removal from the day care immediately.

Generally your female dog does not need to be spayed.

Dog in heat must not be brought to the daycare! The heat often begins before the start of the bleeding and the males react strongly to the smell. The heat lasts approx. 4-6 wks from start to finish, often up to 8 wks. The general guideline is that she can not come untill 4 -5 weeks after the heatcycle (4-6 wks). If the bleeding starts while at daycare the owner must pick up the female ASAP

No one is perfect and dogs, just like people, have bad days – it does not prevent a dog from coming to daycare. However, we cannot take a dog that is suffering from very big problems or is too anxious and nervious. All dogs are evaluated (trial day) before the decision is made, we are assessing the behavior and character. If the dog’s problems are such that its behavior can be helped by being in an open pack settings (separation anxiety, shyness, lack of confidence, learn doggy language, socialization, etc.) or by training (basic obedience training, dominance, leash agression etc.), your dog can be brought into daycare, as long as you first meet with our instructor or dog trainer to agree as how to proceed. Problem behavioral training is also possible at a fee. NOTE We do not raise or train your dog for you, it is your job, but we will help and participate!

Our prices can be found in our pricelist, our rates include daycare, 2 outings and treats. The food is not included